Evidence-Based Capstone Project

Evidence-Based Capstone Project

The dissemination of EBP results serves multiple important roles. Sharing results makes the case for your decisions. It also adds to the body of knowledge, which creates opportunities for future practitioners. By presenting results, you also become an advocate for EBP, creating a culture within your organization or beyond that informs, educates, and promotes the effective use of EBP.
To Prepare:

  • Review the final PowerPoint presentation you submitted in Module 5, and make any necessary changes based on the feedback you have received and on lessons you have learned throughout the course.
  • Consider the best method of disseminating the results of your presentation to an audience.

To Complete:
Create a 5-minute, 5- to 6-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation of your Evidence-Based Project.

  • Be sure to incorporate any feedback or changes from your presentation submission in Module 5.
  • Explain how you would disseminate the results of your project to an audience. Provide a rationale for why you selected this dissemination strategy.
  • Lydia Otoo
    Walden University
    July 28,2019
    Recommending an Evidence-Based
    Practice Change
    Organization Description and Readiness for Change
    Description of Healthcare Organization
    The healthcare organization at which the change is proposed is a nursing home taking care of the elderly
    The culture of the Nursing home is driven by the need to deliver quality nursing care to patients
    The culture of change movement is aimed at transitioning the nursing home from an institution to homes for residents aimed at improving quality of care and overall quality of life for residents.
    The organization is ready for change, has all infrastructure and needed resources needed to implement change, whereas staff are also supportive of change process.

    The healthcare organization at which the change is proposed is a nursing home taking care of the elderly
    The culture of the Nursing home is driven by the need to deliver quality nursing care to patients
    The culture of change movement is aimed at transitioning the nursing home from an institution to homes for residents aimed at improving quality of care and overall quality of life for residents (Ellis,2019) .
    The organization is ready for change, has all infrastructure and needed resources needed to implement change, whereas staff are also supportive of change process.

    Current Problem & Opportunity for Change
    Nursing home operates in a restrictive setting, where standardized approach to care is applied
    Opportunity for change is application of personalized care to meet individual needs of patients.
    Circumstances surrounding need for change: Only standardized approach to care is implemented, thus individual needs of patients are not being met
    Scope of the Issue: Health providers and elderly patients are affected
    Risks associated with Change: Possibility of resistance by stakeholders, limitation of resources needed in implementation and change in scope

    Problem: Nursing home operates in a restrictive setting, where standardized approach to care is applied
    Opportunity for change is application of personalized care to meet individual needs of patients.
    Circumstances surrounding need for change: Only standardized approach to care is implemented, thus individual needs of patients are not being met
    Scope of the Issue: Health providers and elderly patients are affected
    Risks associated with Change: Possibility of resistance by stakeholders, limitation of resources needed in implementation and change in scope (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017).

    Evidence Based Idea
    Evidence based for changed that has been proposed is providing patient-centered care for elderly patients at the nursing home
    EBP approach to patient centered care has been extensively researched
    Patient-centered care is based on value based care to address specific needs of patients
    Alignment of patient-centered care and value based care is needed to improve overall wellbeing of patients
    Patient centered care to be aligned to patient outcomes, perspectives and experiences to adequately address patient needs.
    Plan for knowledge transfer of the change
    Proposed change is implementation of patient centered care and value based care to patients
    Plan for knowledge transfer entails seminar training for all medical professionals at the nursing home.
    Knowledge creation entails continuous transfer, combination and conversion of different content about patient centered and value based care. The new approach is implemented as policies at the nursing home.
    Dissemination process entails teaching personnel at the nursing home about change. Methods include memo, newsletter, workshops and conferences.
    Organizational adoption and implementation: Entails implementation of developed policies to achieve changeover

    Proposed change is implementation of patient centered care and value based care to patients
    Plan for knowledge transfer entails seminar training for all medical professionals at the nursing home(Friesen-Storms et al., 2015).
    Knowledge creation entails continuous transfer, combination and conversion of different content about patient centered and value based care. The new approach is implemented as policies at the nursing home.
    Dissemination process entails teaching personnel at the nursing home about change. Methods include memo, newsletter, workshops and conferences.
    Organizational adoption and implementation: Entails implementation of developed policies to achieve changeover

    Description of Measurable Outcomes
    With the implementation of patient centered care and value based care, the
    following measurable outcomes are anticipated to be achieved:
    Residents access to quality care: Residents overall improvement in health is evaluated to determine effectiveness of implemented approach.
    Homelike atmosphere: Practices and structures are designed to be less like an institution and more homelike .
    Relationship between patients and professionals: Close relationships maintained between health professionals at nursing home and patients.
    Staff empowerment and collaboration.
    Staff are more empowered to undertake roles and there is more collaborative decision making to deliver enhanced care that is patient-centered
    Overall Quality Improvement in Processes: Continuous quality improvement initiatives implemented through culture change and ongoing process to achieve better care (Friesen-Storms et al., 2015).
    With the implementation of patient centered care and value based care, the
    following measurable outcomes are anticipated to be achieved:
    Residents access to quality care: Residents overall improvement in health is evaluated to determine effectiveness of implemented approach.
    Homelike atmosphere: Practices and structures are designed to be less like an institution and more homelike .
    Relationship between patients and professionals: Close relationships maintained between health professionals at nursing home and patients.
    Staff empowerment and collaboration:
    Staff are more empowered to undertake roles and there is more collaborative decision making to deliver enhanced care that is patient-centered
    Overall Quality Improvement in Processes: Continuous quality improvement initiatives implemented through culture change and ongoing process to achieve better care.
    Lessons Learned
    Critical appraisal of peer reviewed articles
    Critical appraisal fundamental in assessing usefulness and validity of research findings
    Critical appraisal evaluates appropriateness of study design for research question and key methodological features of design
    Appraisal determines suitability of statistical methods used and interpretation, potential conflict of interest relevance of research to practice.
    Lessons from completing literature evaluation table
    Interpretation of research findings
    Synthesis of sources and application to practice
    Analysis of conceptual framework
    Evaluation of research variables
    Examination of data analysis methods used
    Appraisal of research findings relevant to practice (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).
    Lessons Learned
    Lessons from completing the levels of evidence table
    How to assess studies based on methodological quality of design
    How to assess studies based on evidence
    Assessing studies based on applicability ti patient care
    Assessing strength of provided recommendations in studies
    Lessons from completing the outcomes synthesis table
    I learned how to organize research studies
    How to integrate different resources together
    How to synthesize research on a given topic
    Ellis, P. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing. Learning Matters.
    Friesen-Storms, J. H., Bours, G. J., van der Weijden, T., & Beurskens, A. J.
    (2015). Shared decision making in chronic care in the context of evidence
    based practice in nursing. International journal of nursing studies, 52(1), 393-
    Mackey, A., & Bassendowski, S. (2017). The history of evidence-based practice
    in nursing education and practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33(1), 51-55.
    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing &
    healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

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